Time Management


One of the things I dislike the most is having my time wasted which results in me not being able to complete the tasks that I want to complete in a day. Due to COVID-19, I’ve been home constantly, and have lost the motivation to do anything at all. I can’t just sit there and let the thoughts of laziness colonize my mind, so, I started to do some research on how I could manage my time in an efficient manner.

Set Goals — Before you start your day, take a moment to set yourself some goals of what you are going to accomplish at the end of the day.

Establish Priorities — Look at the list of your goals and then establish your priorities; what is the most important goal that you need to reach. Try to work on them first.

Work on the difficult tasks first — Your mind is fresh at the beginning of the day so it’s able to do more thinking in the first half of your day, and as a result, do the hardest tasks first.

Don’t waste your time doing unnecessary things — During your work session, make sure your phone is on silent or turned off, once you pick up your phone while doing something, you’re immediately taken out of your zone

Take Breaks — Many people may think time management is just keeping your head down and working non-stop. That is not the case at all. When you’re working hard, taking breaks are an essential. Set out times to give yourself a break in the middle of your work session. It could be for 10 or 15 minutes. But makes sure you go back to work immediately once your break is over. It’s refresh your mind and give your motivation a little boost.

These techniques benefit me personally, what works for me may not work for everyone else.


Love: Finding the one